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There may be many different ways of defining and implementing the term "interdisciplinary." It is often used interchangeably with "multi-disciplinary," "cross-disciplinary," and "trans-disciplinary," among others. My understanding of the concept of interdisciplinarity is as a crafted merger of related disciplines, a process that can create an environment for a broader understanding of disciplinary dimensions. Lisa R. Lattuca, in her book Creating Interdisciplinarity, suggests that, "in true interdisciplinary projects, a concatenation of disciplinary perspectives is replaced by integration of those perspectives."¹

Photos provided by: Rich Lofthus

I have developed interdisciplinary teaching material which I have incorporated into piano, dance, and music theory classes. The integration of storytelling, for instance, in the learning of musical concepts has shown to be very successful in piano and dance students. I have also developed activities stemming from visual art, theatre, and dance which have shown to enhance the artistry of piano students.

In my piano performances I have intergrated the music with dance, photography, video, animation, poetry, pantomime, as well as offering historical perspectives of the music. These shows have exposed audiences to a rich multimedia experience different from the traditional piano recital.

¹ Lisa R. Lattuca, Creating Interdisciplinarity: Interdisciplinary Research and teaching Among College and University Faculty (Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 2001), 11.
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